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ubus services


Auto resume otbr-agent program when it crash.

  • Request parameters:
Name Type Description
enable Boolean Whether to enable auto resume otbr-agent. Enable by default.
  • Request sample: ubus call otbr-mgmt auto_resume_otbr_agent '{"level":7}'
  • Response sample:
    "err_code": 0


Set Commissioner start.

  • Request parameters:
Name Type Description
timeout Integer Time to stop Commissioner automatically.
  • Request sample: ubus call otbr-mgmt commissioner_start '{"timeout":120}'
  • Response sample:
    "err_code": 0


Get Commissioner state.

  • Request parameters:

  • Request sample: ubus call otbr-mgmt commissioner_state'

  • Response sample:
    "State": 0


Set the log level.

  • Request parameters:

  • Request sample: ubus call otbr-mgmt commissioner_stop'

  • Response sample:
    "err_code": 0


Try to force the device role from router to leader.

  • Request parameters:

  • Request sample: ubus call otbr-mgmt force_to_leader'

  • Response sample:
    "err_code": 0


Force to update ot status cache.

  • Request parameters:

  • Request sample: ubus call otbr-mgmt force_to_update_ot_status'

  • Response sample:
    "err_code": 0


Calculate PSKc.

  • Request parameters:
Name Type Description
passphrase String Passphrase.
networkname String Network Name.
extpanid String Ext PAN ID.
  • Response parameters:
Name Type Description
pskc String PSKc.
  • Request sample: ubus call otbr-mgmt get_calc_pskc '{"extpanid":"ba371d3340c41e46","passphrase":"goodlife","networkname":"OpenThread-27c5"}'
  • Response sample:
    "pskc": "e8121315d06701e4817814469cf7622b"


Start a query for child table of a router with a given RLOC16.

  • Request parameters:
Name Type Description
rloc16 Integer/String Router's RLOC16.
  • Request sample: ubus call otbr-mgmt get_child_table '{"rloc16":"0xcc00"}'
  • Response parameters:

  • Response sample:

        "child_table": {
                "0xcc01": {
                        "full-net": "no",
                        "rloc16": "0xcc01",
                        "err-rate-frame": "0.00%",
                        "csl-channel": 0,
                        "rss-ave": -49,
                        "ver": 2,
                        "rss-last": -49,
                        "csl-sync": "no",
                        "supvn": 129,
                        "timeout": 240,
                        "csl-timeout": 0,
                        "csl-period": 0,
                        "rx-on": "yes",
                        "conn-time": "00:00:38",
                        "ip6": [
                        "margin": 51,
                        "age": 38,
                        "ext-addr": "122bc09d8fd78e8e",
                        "q-msg": 0,
                        "err-rate-msg": "0.00%",
                        "type": "mtd"


Send a query to a parent to retrieve the IPv6 addresses of all its MTD children.

  • Request parameters:
Name Type Description
rloc16 Integer/String Router's RLOC16.
  • Request sample: ubus call otbr-mgmt get_childip6 '{"rloc16":"0xcc00"}'
  • Response sample:
        "childip6_list": {
                "0xcc01": {
                        "ip6": [
                        "rloc16": "0xcc01"


Get IPv6 Address by Extended MAC.

  • Request parameters:
Name Type Description
extaddr String The IEEE 802.15.4 Extended Address.
  • Request sample: ubus call otbr-mgmt get_ip6_by_extaddr '{"extaddr":"5276797bfabece97"}'
  • Response sample:
        "ipaddr": "fde5:9613:59da:da24:d690:75eb:47f8:dce5"


Get joiner list. It must work with the HTTP API.

  • Request parameters:

  • Request sample: ubus call otbr-mgmt get_joiner_list

  • Response sample:
        "joinerNum": 1,
        "joinerList": [
                        "JoinEvent": [
                        "expirationTime": 18615,
                        "eui64": "F4CE36DCAF080D85",
                        "timeout": 120,
                        "joinStatus": "Joining",
                        "pskd": "AAAAAA",
                        "addTime": 1718684822
        "joinerMax": 256


Get network data.

  • Request parameters:
Name Type Description
level Integer log level.
  • Request sample: ubus call otbr-mgmt get_network_data'
  • Response sample:
        "NetworkDataList": [
                        "IsLeader": true,
                        "IsThisDevice": true,
                        "IP6AddressList": [
                        "NeighborRouterTable": [

                        "ExtAddress": "5276797BFABECE97",
                        "Version": "v1.3",
                        "Rloc16": 52224,
                        "IsBorderRouter": true,
                        "Rloc16s": "0xcc00",
                        "ChildTable": [
                                        "MessageErrorRate": "0.00%",
                                        "ConnectionTime": "01:32:20",
                                        "CslChannel": 0,
                                        "ExtAddress": "E28A983C2168E6BF",
                                        "Rloc16": 52226,
                                        "FrameErrorRate": "0.00%",
                                        "Mode": {
                                                "RxOnWhenIdle": 1,
                                                "NetworkData": 0,
                                                "DeviceType": 0
                                        "LinkMargin": 54,
                                        "LastRssi": -47,
                                        "CslSync": "no",
                                        "IP6AddressList": [
                                        "IsThisDevice": false,
                                        "AvgRssi": -46,
                                        "Age": 111,
                                        "CslTimeout": 0,
                                        "Version": "v1.1",
                                        "CslPeriod": 0,
                                        "DeviceType": "mtd",
                                        "Rloc16s": "0xcc02",
                                        "IsBorderRouter": false


Get OT status.

  • Request sample: ubus call otbr-mgmt get_ot_status
  • Response sample:
        "Commissioner": {
                "State": 2
        "OTBRVersion": "ot-br-posix/2023-11-1-r4.4.3; POSIX; Feb 16 2022 20:29:10",
        "RCP": {
                "Rloc16": 52224,
                "ExtAddress": "5276797bfabece97",
                "State": 4
        "Network": {
                "PSKc": "293a4459786172f411c7b39c78406bec",
                "IPv6": [
                "PanId": 50772,
                "OnMeshPrefix": [
                "ActiveTimestamp": 1,
                "Channel": 26,
                "LeaderData": {
                        "DataVersion": 245,
                        "StableDataVersion": 130,
                        "LeaderRouterId": 51,
                        "PartitionId": 1573146047,
                        "Weighting": 64
                "BorderAgentID": "856801577801e3167ac9cca74e4d94e0",
                "ActiveDataset": "0e08000000000001000035060004001fffe002089f4f5846aec77dc70708fde5961359dada240510c9ef1b68eb2bd12170876f2afb6ea2bb0102c6540410293a4459786172f411c7b39c78406bec0c0402a0f7f8030b474c2d533230302d363364000300001a",
                "MeshLocalPrefix": "fde5:9613:59da:da24:",
                "ExtPanId": "9f4f5846aec77dc7",
                "NetworkName": "GL-S200-63d",
                "NetworkKey": "c9ef1b68eb2bd12170876f2afb6ea2bb"
        "OpenThreadVersionAPI": 370,
        "ThreadVersion": "v1.3",
        "SRP": {
                "ServerState": 1,
                "ServerDomain": ""


Start a query for router neighbor table of a router with a given RLOC16.

  • Request parameters:
Name Type Description
rloc16 Integer/String The Router's RLOC16.
  • Request sample: ubus call otbr-mgmt get_router_neighbor_table '{"rloc16":"0xcc00"}'
  • Response sample:
        "neighbor_table": [
                        "ver": 2,
                        "err-rate-msg": "0.00%",
                        "err-rate-frame": "0.00%",
                        "rss-ave": -45,
                        "conn-time": "00:00:49",
                        "rss-last": -45,
                        "ext-addr": "e28a983c2168e6bf",
                        "margin": 55,
                        "rloc16": "0x7000"


Perform an IEEE 802.15.4 Active Scan.

  • Request sample: ubus call otbr-mgmt get_scan_list
  • Response sample:
        "ScanList": [
                        "ExtendedPanId": "c98837a337a504c2",
                        "Extaddr": "b2abeff4fcb6297b",
                        "PanId": "0xd964",
                        "Lqi": 255,
                        "Channel": 11,
                        "Rssi": -58,
                        "NetworkName": "AMZN-Thread-d964"
                        "ExtendedPanId": "dead00beef00cafe",
                        "Extaddr": "6aeeba4c5c1996dd",
                        "PanId": "0xabcd",
                        "Lqi": 255,
                        "Channel": 11,
                        "Rssi": -58,
                        "NetworkName": "KNX"
                        "ExtendedPanId": "dead00beef00cafe",
                        "Extaddr": "923000eedece6273",
                        "PanId": "0xabcd",
                        "Lqi": 255,
                        "Channel": 11,
                        "Rssi": -66,
                        "NetworkName": "KNX"
                        "ExtendedPanId": "e731e704e3e9d043",
                        "Extaddr": "5e4fa1c6a46c0e61",
                        "PanId": "0x586c",
                        "Lqi": 255,
                        "Channel": 18,
                        "Rssi": -47,
                        "NetworkName": "OpenThread-586c"
                        "ExtendedPanId": "78c70ebcbac64bb3",
                        "Extaddr": "0e7f7c8786e52688",
                        "PanId": "0xdc02",
                        "Lqi": 255,
                        "Channel": 25,
                        "Rssi": -81,
                        "NetworkName": "MyHome1938550755"
                        "ExtendedPanId": "9f4f5846aec77dc7",
                        "Extaddr": "e28a983c2168e6bf",
                        "PanId": "0xc654",
                        "Lqi": 255,
                        "Channel": 26,
                        "Rssi": -46,
                        "NetworkName": "GL-S200-63d"
                        "ExtendedPanId": "c19a49f075f7544d",
                        "Extaddr": "46708965614ccfb5",
                        "PanId": "0x51b9",
                        "Lqi": 255,
                        "Channel": 26,
                        "Rssi": -78,
                        "NetworkName": "GL-S20-60a"
                        "ExtendedPanId": "b8a4e11ddf352247",
                        "Extaddr": "425c94898b659217",
                        "PanId": "0x2577",
                        "Lqi": 255,
                        "Channel": 26,
                        "Rssi": -58,
                        "NetworkName": "GL-S20-65f"
                        "ExtendedPanId": "1bf0e288e0e60fa8",
                        "Extaddr": "7e7673f668353501",
                        "PanId": "0x410c",
                        "Lqi": 250,
                        "Channel": 26,
                        "Rssi": -73,
                        "NetworkName": "GL-S200-5ea"
                        "ExtendedPanId": "1cb6d607010d456b",
                        "Extaddr": "e2c0cfd3c4deb0ef",
                        "PanId": "0xacc2",
                        "Lqi": 114,
                        "Channel": 26,
                        "Rssi": -74,
                        "NetworkName": "GL-S20-da2"
                        "ExtendedPanId": "66ff68c9487ec03d",
                        "Extaddr": "7eab96852b4dd64a",
                        "PanId": "0xa63c",
                        "Lqi": 255,
                        "Channel": 26,
                        "Rssi": -73,
                        "NetworkName": "GL-S200-61c"


Get srp service list.

  • Request sample: ubus call otbr-mgmt get_srp_service
  • Response sample:
        "Services": {
                "E6B872BFD7E74D72": {
                        "KeyLease": 1209600,
                        "Lease": 7200,
                        "TXT": [
                        "Weight": 0,
                        "Address": [
                        "Ttl": 7200,
                        "ExtAddress": "E6B872BFD7E74D72",
                        "Host": "",
                        "Port": 5540,
                        "Deleted": false,
                        "Subtypes": "_ID58D4DFDB2832EBD",
                        "InstanceName": "",
                        "Priority": 0


Set the log level.

  • Request parameters:
Name Type Description
level Integer log level.
  • Request sample: ubus call otbr-mgmt set_log_level '{"level":7}'
  • Response sample:
    "err_code": 0


Set OT config.

  • Request parameters:
Name Type Description
channel Integer The IEEE 802.15.4 Channel value.
panid Integer The IEEE 802.15.4 PAN ID value.
networkname String The Thread Network Name.
networkkey String The Thread Network Key.
passphrase String Thread network Passphrase, a user-defined character string that serves as Commissioner Credential and is used to generate PSKc. Its length is limited to 6 to 255 bytes of UTF-8 encoded character.
extpanid String The Thread Extended PAN ID value.
  • Request sample: ubus call otbr-mgmt set_ot_config '{"channel":25,"panid":"0x9710","networkname":"MyHome857640893","networkkey":"d9cca4111149b4a9aa5ed1af4d4df253","passphrase":"OTtest","extpanid":"e589c2d5e1594e59"}'
  • Response sample:
    "err_code": 0


Set OT enable.

  • Request parameters:
Name Type Description
enable Boolean Whether to enable Thread.
  • Request sample: ubus call otbr-mgmt set_ot_enable '{"enable":true}'
  • Response sample:
    "err_code": 0