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Domino Single USB Tile Board


When connected to the Domino Pi or Domino Qi Mini board, the Domino Single USB Tile adds 1x standard USB 2.0 USB Type A Master or Slave port.


  • Break out the USB pins to physical USB-A
  • USB power controlled by GPIO6

If you USB has no power using your own firmware, most of time, it is because of GPIO6 is set to Low. Set it to high to enable USB power

    # Enable the USB power by using GPIO6

    echo "6" > /sys/class/gpio/export
    echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/6/direction
    echo "1" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio6/value

The Domino Single USB Tile connects as an East-side Tile.

It is compatible with the Domino Pi and Domino Qi Mini boards.

Single USB board Single USB board Single USB board


Weight 4 g Dimensions 5.72 x 33.02 x 25 mm