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Why My VPN Speed is Low

Router's CPU Speed

VPNs encrypt your data to provide privacy, which adds extra data processing. This encryption and decryption can slow down your connection. Please choose a router with faster CPU to enhance your VPN speed. We listed all the VPN speeds in our product page.

Server Distance

If the VPN server is far from your physical location, the data has to travel a longer distance, resulting in higher latency and slower speeds. You can see the below example, it shows a client speed connects to different server locations at the same time of the day.



Server Load

If many users are connected to the same VPN server, it can become congested, leading to slower speeds for everyone.

Server Upload Speed

If you are using a private VPN tunnel, the Internet Service Provider (ISP) upload speed on the server side will be the bottleneck of the download speed on the client side, since the VPN client is downloading data through the server.


Protocol Differences

Different VPN protocols like OpenVPN or WireGuard have varying levels of security and speed. Some may be slower due to their encryption methods.

ISP Throttling

Some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) may throttle speeds for users who are using VPNs, especially if they suspect heavy data usage. Especially in some developing countries or small towns where many users share limited Internet infrastructures.


Some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) may not resolve the VPN domains, please try to use Encrypted DNS in our router's Network settings.


Some Internet Service Providers (ISPs), especially mobile carries may limited the size of the data packet, please try to change the default MTU from 1420 to 1380 or 1280 in VPN Client Option.

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